Journey Through the Bible
The Hebrew Bible
- In the Beginning (Genesis 1-3)
- The First Violent Act (Genesis 4)
- End of the World - Almost (Genesis 6-11)
- The Search Begins (Genesis 12-15)
- Abraham Put to the Test (Genesis 17, 22)
- Abraham's Legacy (Genesis 24-27)
- A Struggle with God (Genesis 28-33)
- From Prison to Power (Genesis 37-50)
The Beginning
- From Slavery to Revelation (The Book of Exodus)
- The Land of Promise (The Book of Joshua)
- A Reflection: The Moral Problem of the “Promised Land”
- The Need for Leadership (The Book of Judges)
- Leadership with a Price (The Book of Samuel)
- God's House - Vacated (The Book of Kings)
Promise Fulfilled and Betrayed
- Reviving the Covenant (The Book of Isaiah)
- Voice of Doom, Hope of Restoration (The Book of Jeremiah)
- Visionary in Exile (The Book of Ezekiel)
- Other Prophetic Voices (The Twelve “Minor” Prophets)
- God's Presence in Adversity (The Book of Daniel)
- The Return Home (The Book of Ezra/Nehemiah)
- Conclusion: Extending the Covenant
Spiritual Rebirth
The New Testament
- The Teachings of Jesus (The Gospels of Matthew and Luke)
- The Teachings of Jesus (The Gospel of John, 1 John)
- Conclusion: Non-Self-Interested Love
- Prophetic Continuity: A Review of Basic Principles