Articles on Judeochristianity
Practical Theology
- The Real Presence of God
- A Reason for Hope
- The God Above God
- The Meaning of the “Covenant”
- Why Judeochristianity?
- Judeochristianty: A Way of Understanding Love
- An Outline of Jewish Christianity
- A Personal Statement of Faith: What It Means to Be a Jewish Christian
- The Divinity of Christ
- Rebuilding Christian Theology
- The Mystery of Forgiveness
- Effective Prayer
- Praying Rightly
- A Higher Power
- The Highest Value
- A Spiritual Exercise
- Do Nonbelievers Go to Hell?
- Did Christ Die for Our Sins?
- Being on the Path
- Jesus vs. Jews for Jesus: A Statement on Religious Tolerance
- Judeochristianity and the Theology of Paul Tillich
- The Moral Failure of Christian Theology
- A Note on the Evolution Controversy
- Jesus and the Christ Angel
- Held by Faith
- The Bond of Life
- The Qur’an and the Question of the Jews
- Religious Roots of Islamic Antisemitism
- Faith as a Resource When Facing Death
- Daily and Occasional Prayers
- Faith in a Time of Ukraine
- Faith in the Face of Intractable Suffering
- What Does It Mean to Call God Holy?
- Where Christianity Went Wrong
- Deeper into the Resurrection
- The Divine Life
- Why Should We Study the “Old Testament”?
- Yes, Jesus Was Jewish
- How Should Christians Read the Hebrew Bible?
- The Lord Says to Who? Psalm 110 in Context
- Commentary on Romans
- The Meaning of the Resurrection
- The Bible Sings: A Plea for the Original Language
- The Most Hotly Contested Word in Romans
- “Atoning Sacrifice” in 1 John
- A Note on the Virgin Birth
- The NRSVue Controversy
- A Genesis Gender Bias?
- Un-Misunderstanding Paul
- A Moral Case for Israel (January 2025)
- What the Progressive Left Doesn’t Understand About Gaza (September 2024)
- On Jewish Anti-Zionism (May 2024)
- Is Criticism of Israel Always Antisemitic? (April 2024)
- Hamas’s Big Lie (November 2023)
- Blood Libel Writ Large (October 2023)
- The Politics of Hatred (April 2023)
- The Republican War on Women (July 2022)
- The Blood Is Crying (May 2022)
- We Have Been Here Before: Violence Against the Asian Community (March 2021)
- Time for Reconciliation? (November 2020)
- Our Racial Reckoning (August 2020)
- Pandemic of Hate (June 2020)
- To Trump Supporters: You Are Not Innocent (March 2020)
- The Power of Words (August 2019)
- The Border Crisis and the Failure of the Christian Response (July 2019)
- Trump Dementia Syndrome (October 2018)
- Reshaping America (June 2018)
- We Are Losing Our Soul (June 2018)
- Showdown: Roseanne vs. Samantha (June 2018)
- Statement on Evangelical Christianity (May 2018)
- The Nazification of America (March 2018)
- Pure Evil (January 2018)
- Atrocity (January 2018)
- Defining the Presidency Down (January 2018)
- The Forgotten Island (December 2017)
- Evangelical Hypocrisy (December 2017)
- A Republican Christmas Carol (December 2017)
- The Moral Bankruptcy of Republicans and Evangelicals (November 2017)
- A Word About Statues (September 2017)
- The Politics of Cruelty (September 2017)
- Our Disappearing Human Values (July 2017)
- The Influence of Ayn Rand on Republican Politics (June 2017)
- Worse Than Politics: Hijacking a Religion (Easter 2017)
- Poison in a Perfume Bottle: Donald Trump’s Speech to Congress (March 2017)
- A Haunting Quotation
- The Test We Now Face (January 2017)
- Editorial: To Christian Supporters of Donald Trump (October 2016)
- The Trayvon Martin Case: A Country’s Spiritual Wound (July 2013)
- A Plea for Immigration Reform (March 2013)
- The Hypocrisy of Gun “Rights” (December 2012)
- Faith as Politics: The Religious Justification of Neglect (April 2012)
- An Immodest Proposal:
Concerning the Propagation of Contraception (February 2012) - Economics as Religion: A Violation of Spiritual Values (October 2011)
Spirituality and Disability
- From Weakness to Strength: A Spiritual Response to Disability
- Faith, Despair, and Disability
- Disability and Destiny
- Making Our Hearts Accessible, Too
- Enlarge the Site of Your Tent:
Making a Place in the Church for People with Disabilities - The New Image of Disability
- Reinventing Paul
by John G. Gager - Reopening Muslim MInds:
A Return to Reason, Freedom, and Tolerance
by Mustafa Akyol - Resurrection: Myth or Reality?
by John Shelby Spong - What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity?
by N.T. Wright - The Death of Death: Resurrection and Immortality in Jewish Thought
by Neil Gillman - God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer our Most Important Question - Why We Suffer
by Bart D. Ehrman - What’s Right with Islam:
A New Vision for Muslims and the West, by Sheikh Feisal Abdul Rauf - What the Bible Says (and Doesn’t Say [About Homosexuality]), by Sister Carol Perry
- Eternal Life: A New Vision, by John Shelby Spong
- Strangers in Their Own Land:
Anger and Mourning on the American Right, by Arlie Russell Hochschild - Befriending the Beloved Disciple:
A Jewish Reading of the Gospel of John, by Adele Reinhartz - The Missionary Position:
Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice, by Christopher Hitchens - Surprised by Hope:
Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, by N. T. Wright - The Future of Justification:
A Response to N. T. Wright, by John Piper - Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan
- Film: The Passion of the Christ